Tuesday 26 April 2011

2011: Turning over a new... Blog?

If you asked me what a blog was in the recent past I probably would have made reference to a vintage arcade game or what happens in my sinus' during allergy season. This coming from a girl who also until recently did not know how to operate an Ipod (attempts to bring back the Walkman failed), and whose Blackberry recieved only incoming calls as pressing the 'answer call' icon was the only function I was confident enough to use.

I love to write, however, and arguably have some intersting things to say sometimes.

I am the luckiest mother of a beautiful two year old girl, who supplies me with inspiration, endless love and my daily cardio. Cliched parent comment: If only I had half of her energy. But really. I'd get shit done.

I'd like to use this blog to share things of interest to other young & modern moms' out there that not only identify themselves as a mother, or wife, or sister, daughter, aunt...... But also as a woman. An actual human being, even if we feel the farthest thing from it some days. Too often we get caught up in our roles and forget who we really are (myself included). So for this reason, I am also using this as my own outlet. A place to vent and give my female ego a stroke or two every now and then.
So my apologies for getting all Oprah up in here, but I believe together we can all find balance in our lives and truely live in harmony as a mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt..... Keeping the reflection of our core-selves in full view.

More to come!